
幸运棋牌 Design-Tech Company

to the world
~Bringing science to innovation~

The true value of disruptive ideas are often difficult to assess. These “secrets hidden from the outside” are undervalued or disregarded, simply for the fact that it is too different from the current state and that it cannot be accurately evaluated.

But what if we can make a better, more accurate assessment on ideas? On creativity? And other “fuzzy” perceived values?
Ideagram, our patented consensus building algorithm enables the quantification of these historically difficult-to-measure values. This means that you will be able to assess the value of new business ideas, be able to effectively place creative talent throughout your organization, find untapped business opportunities, and bring future solutions to the world.

We believe that innovation should not be just a mere coincidence.
There is science behind every serendipity, and by understanding how it works, we can accelerate innovation.

Together, we can bring change to the world.